Cross Roads House is proud to announce that Chris Pamboukes was honored at Volunteer NH’s 15th Annual Spirit of New Hampshire Awards on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017, for his work leading the Pedal for Power campaign.
Chris’ volunteer work at Cross Roads House started in 2004 as a high school student when he participated in a tutoring program called “Students Helping Students in Need.” Ten years after his initial volunteer work at the shelter, he decided to launch the Pedal for Power project supporting the concept of a renewably powered shelter for the area’s less fortunate.
Over the course of two years, Chris and his cycling partner Josh Andrews motivated hundreds of donors to support the Pedal for Power campaign, eventually raising $12,000. They launched a website, organized fundraisers, and biked 2,000 miles along the Pacific Coast from Vancouver, B.C., to San Diego. In addition to the donated funds, the project also benefited from in-kind material donations from ReVision Energy, donated installation labor from Chris’ co-workers, a rebate from the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, and a generous grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Thomas W. Haas Fund.
Thanks to Pedal for Power, the shelter now has an 18.15-kilowatt rooftop photovoltaic solar array that is expected to save Cross Roads House approximately $3,700 in annual electricity costs over the next 30 years, and an additional $700 each year from the sale of renewable energy credits. We are so grateful for this wonderful gift!